- NYT Crossword
- March 26 2023
- Harbor boat
Harbor boat
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Harbor boat crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on March 26 2023 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Harbor boat has a total of 3 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
1. The first letter of the answer is: T
2. The last letter of the answer is: G
3. There is 1 vowel in the hidden word:
• | To pull or draw with great effort; to draw along with continued exertion; to haul along; to tow; as, to tug a loaded cart; to tug a ship into port. |
• | To pull; to pluck. |
• | To pull with great effort; to strain in labor; as, to tug at the oar; to tug against the stream. |
• | To labor; to strive; to struggle. |
• | A pull with the utmost effort, as in the athletic contest called tug of war; a supreme effort. |
• | A sort of vehicle, used for conveying timber and heavy articles. |
• | A small, powerful steamboat used to tow vessels; -- called also steam tug, tugboat, and towboat. |
• | A trace, or drawing strap, of a harness. |
• | An iron hook of a hoisting tub, to which a tackle is affixed. |
The word TUG is a 3 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for TUG is: tug
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