- NYT Crossword
- May 9 2022
- Make music on a kazoo say
Make music on a kazoo say
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Make music on a kazoo say crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on May 9 2022 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Make music on a kazoo say has a total of 3 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
• | To make a low, prolonged sound, like that of a bee in flight; to drone; to murmur; to buzz; as, a top hums. |
• | To make a nasal sound, like that of the letter m prolonged, without opening the mouth, or articulating; to mumble in monotonous undertone; to drone. |
• | To make an inarticulate sound, like h'm, through the nose in the process of speaking, from embarrassment or a affectation; to hem. |
• | To express satisfaction by a humming noise. |
• | To have the sensation of a humming noise; as, my head hums, -- a pathological condition. |
• | To sing with shut mouth; to murmur without articulation; to mumble; as, to hum a tune. |
• | To express satisfaction with by humming. |
• | To flatter by approving; to cajole; to impose on; to humbug. |
• | A low monotonous noise, as of bees in flight, of a swiftly revolving top, of a wheel, or the like; a drone; a buzz. |
• | Any inarticulate and buzzing sound |
• | The confused noise of a crowd or of machinery, etc., heard at a distance; as, the hum of industry. |
• | A buzz or murmur, as of approbation. |
• | An imposition or hoax. |
• | An inarticulate nasal sound or murmur, like h'm, uttered by a speaker in pause from embarrassment, affectation, etc. |
• | A kind of strong drink formerly used. |
• | Ahem; hem; an inarticulate sound uttered in a pause of speech implying doubt and deliberation. |
The word HUM is a 3 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for HUM is: hum
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