- NYT Crossword
- August 16 2022
- Reprimand with down
Reprimand with down
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Reprimand with down crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on August 16 2022 NYT Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Reprimand with down has a total of 5 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
• | To direct; to put right or straight; to regulate; to order. |
• | To arrange in exact continuity of line, as soldiers; commonly to adjust to a straight line and at proper distance; to align; as, to dress the ranks. |
• | To treat methodically with remedies, bandages, or curative appliances, as a sore, an ulcer, a wound, or a wounded or diseased part. |
• | To adjust; to put in good order; to arrange; specifically: (a) To prepare for use; to fit for any use; to render suitable for an intended purpose; to get ready; as, to dress a slain animal; to dress meat; to dress leather or cloth; to dress or trim a lamp; to dress a garden; to dress a horse, by currying and rubbing; to dress grain, by cleansing it; in mining and metallurgy, to dress ores, by sorting and separating them. |
• | To cut to proper dimensions, or give proper shape to, as to a tool by hammering; also, to smooth or finish. |
• | To put in proper condition by appareling, as the body; to put clothes upon; to apparel; to invest with garments or rich decorations; to clothe; to deck. |
• | To break and train for use, as a horse or other animal. |
• | To arrange one's self in due position in a line of soldiers; -- the word of command to form alignment in ranks; as, Right, dress! |
• | To clothe or apparel one's self; to put on one's garments; to pay particular regard to dress; as, to dress quickly. |
• | That which is used as the covering or ornament of the body; clothes; garments; habit; apparel. |
• | A lady's gown; as, silk or a velvet dress. |
• | Attention to apparel, or skill in adjusting it. |
• | The system of furrows on the face of a millstone. |
The word DRESS is a 5 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for DRESS is: dress
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