- NYT Mini Crossword
- May 3 2022
- Word after bathing business or birthday
Word after bathing business or birthday
While searching our database we found 1 possible solution for the: Word after bathing business or birthday crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on May 3 2022 NYT Mini Crossword puzzle. The solution we have for Word after bathing business or birthday has a total of 4 letters.
Hints & Tips
Here are some hints and tips before revealing the whole word. It may actually help you find the correct solution by yourself.
• | The act of following or pursuing, as game; pursuit. |
• | The act of suing; the process by which one endeavors to gain an end or an object; an attempt to attain a certain result; pursuit; endeavor. |
• | The act of wooing in love; the solicitation of a woman in marriage; courtship. |
• | The attempt to gain an end by legal process; an action or process for the recovery of a right or claim; legal application to a court for justice; prosecution of right before any tribunal; as, a civil suit; a criminal suit; a suit in chancery. |
• | That which follows as a retinue; a company of attendants or followers; the assembly of persons who attend upon a prince, magistrate, or other person of distinction; -- often written suite, and pronounced sw/t. |
• | Things that follow in a series or succession; the individual objects, collectively considered, which constitute a series, as of rooms, buildings, compositions, etc.; -- often written suite, and pronounced sw/t. |
• | A number of things used together, and generally necessary to be united in order to answer their purpose; a number of things ordinarily classed or used together; a set; as, a suit of curtains; a suit of armor; a suit of clothes. |
• | One of the four sets of cards which constitute a pack; -- each set consisting of thirteen cards bearing a particular emblem, as hearts, spades, cubs, or diamonds. |
• | Regular order; succession. |
• | To fit; to adapt; to make proper or suitable; as, to suit the action to the word. |
• | To be fitted to; to accord with; to become; to befit. |
• | To dress; to clothe. |
• | To please; to make content; as, he is well suited with his place; to suit one's taste. |
• | To agree; to accord; to be fitted; to correspond; -- usually followed by with or to. |
The word SUIT is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable's. The syllable division for SUIT is: suit
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